Healthly Mom

My Journey to Health: Learning to Forgive, Part 2.

After writing last week’s post about forgiveness, I realized that there was so much left unsaid about this subject. There is so much more to the story, at least for me, that I decided to dedicate another post (in this series) to it. In all reality, I could probably spend four more weeks on it and… read more

My Journey to Health: Learning to Forgive

How did you ever forgive your husband for cheating on you? I get asked this question alot. Especially from my female friends. And honestly I don’t really know. First, I’m not sure that I have forgiven. That proclaims a certain amount of past tense accomplishment, i.e. I have lived in Ohio, or I have been to Thailand, and… read more

A Green Smoothie: The Goddess of All Drinks.

I first learned about the green smoothie seven years ago, when I was actively scouring the web for natural cures to my dad’s cancer. I stumbled across Victoria Boutenko’s website one day and tried out one of her green smoothie recipes. I was surprised at how delicious it was, and how energized I felt after just one glass.… read more

My Journey to Health: Changing Diet

I have always thought of myself as pretty healthy. I’ve never needed surgery, been obese, or even had a tooth cavity that I can remember. But “healthy” is relative. Especially in this fast food-obsessed culture that we live in. Is it healthy to eat a diet of low-fat yogurt and chicken breasts, but have frequent headaches? Is it healthy… read more

My Journey to Health: Finding Community

One of the first things I noticed about the hospital at Oasis, is that they left the patients’ room doors open. Unless the doctors were discussing confidential information with the patient, there was plenty of freedom to come and go, and to visit each other as we pleased. In fact, that kind of interaction seemed to be promoted. I should not have been surprised. It… read more

My Journey to Health: Cancer, Part 3

We were all shocked and devasted by my father’s sudden passing. Even my mom who had spent the last two days with him, did not suspect that the end was near. We believed with all our hearts that he would be healed, up to the very end. When I waved goodbye to him at the airport, I had… read more

Chocolate Chia Pudding. A Healthy Delight!

Things have gotten a bit heavy here on this blog, with me delving into the darker parts of my path to health. If you haven’t yet, you can read about those here and here. It’s been healing for me and the outpouring of support has been wonderful. However, I feel the need to lighten things… read more

My Journey to Health: Cancer, Part 2

At first it seemed that my dad did well under the treatment at Oasis. He fought against nausea and a metallic taste in his mouth from the chemo, which made him not want to eat, but other than that, he seemed to be doing okay. That is, until about seven weeks into it… That’s when we… read more

My Journey to Health: Cancer, Part 1

It’s been seven years since I got the call that my dad had cancer. But I remember my Mama’s somber words, as if it was yesterday. Even her optimistic and hopeful attitude could not mask the brevity of such news. It seared into my conscience like the damp concrete of our Carolina patio piercing my bare feet. Life and… read more

A Series on Health: And so it begins!

Lately I’ve been asked alot of questions about health, or how to be healthy. Which is funny, cuz I feel like in many ways, I’ve fallen off the bandwagon, myself. I’ve entertained more negative thoughts, skipped out on more exercise, and eaten more oreos than I care to admit. And yet, surprisingly enough, people still… read more