
Suicide and Dying With No Regrets.

I’m going to do the unthinkable and talk about suicide today. Yes, that dark evasive thing called death that no one wants to talk about, much less to acknowledge or admit to, much LESS around the holidays. Yes I know this is a “happy” blog, and yes I know this is not a feel good subject. But… read more


Fall always brings out the layers, and the depths in me. Layers of childhood stories, of adult pain and places I’ve been, of people I’ve met, and those I can’t see, but are always there…forever in my heart. This is for all of you today. You are loved, you are beautiful, and you are seen.… read more

The Slowing. (A Poem)

Words come slow and steady on the paper where my heart and my tea pours, and I feel the warmth of the Autumn sun against my cheeks. It fills my mind with thoughts of beauty, of life, of death, and the endless cycle that it is. How nothing in this world lasts, but how it is good and helpful and wise,… read more

Go, Baby.

Because sometimes ya gotta explore. Even if it’s just a drawer, a hotel room, or a black box with buttons. Even if it’s a remote control, a waste basket, or your own reflection in the mirror. Ya gotta touch it, taste it, feel it. And then, when you’re all done with that, you gotta find something… read more

Celebrating M.O.M. (and Me!): the First Six Months.

A few weeks ago, I kicked off my Celebrating MOM project, and so far, it’s been nothing but joy to watch this vision come to life. I’ve received such an incredible response and many wonderful people have lended their help and their services to make this thing happen. We just wrapped up a photo shoot where we pampered and photographed… read more

Life, interrupted.

I am currently curled up on the couch, nursing a broken tooth, (as much as you can “nurse” anything that’s broken in your mouth, HA! It’s called pain killer.) while a cold wind blows incessantly on my pretty little garden. Yes, you heard it right. A COLD wind! It’s been cold and windy, (my least favorite combination!) for three days straight. And I’ve… read more

The Gift of Grief.

(This is a continuation of my last post “When Grief Comes…” If you haven’t read it, please do so, and then continue here.) I learned a few things from that moment of grief at the San Diego airport. One of them is that it really IS ok to cry. It’s ok to let yourself hurt and feel and… read more

When Grief Comes, Unexpected.

I was not prepared for the tsunami that hit me in my chest, when I walked down that sunny terminal toward gate number 44 at the San Diego Airport last Sunday. I had spent three days in the city, networking with bloggers and hanging at the beach with my brother and his wife, who live… read more

Cheers to January.

If 2013 taught me anything, it was to embrace change. Change seemed to be last year’s middle name. It rearranged everything from the seasons (hellooo Blizzard in May and Flood in September!!) to this blog to people’s last names. Cats died. People moved away. My body turned into a balloon. Old friends left. New ones came. Even my… read more


She is the light that shines through the trees in the middle of winter. A light that refuses to go out. Even in the darkness she carries her sorrow with a smile, a smile that goes on forever through her loss and her deepest longings and the pain that she feels. Behind the smile is a heart that is… read more