Why I’m Done Being Afraid.

How am I doing?

Well, my mom is on her 12th day of fever and my little baby nephew is in the hospital fighting for his life and meanwhile there are 3 year-olds being left behind at airports and bodies dangling from helicopters and honestly, I am mad.

I am mad that this is the world we live in now and there is not a damn thing I can do about it. Mad that the world is so scared of a virus that it failed to give proper care to people that needed it and now we are all scared. Scared to take our loved ones to the hospital because we’ve heard the horror stories of people being left to die in there. I personally know of at least 4 people who went to the hospital and ended up walking their weak bodies out of there because they got ZERO care.

Yep, that’s right. They had to beg someone to come and get them.

So please. Spare me of all the ” why don’t you just take your Mom in?” This is why. She does not want to be left alone, with no one to care for her. She has told me several times that she’d rather die in her house surrounded by the people she loves than to risk being abandoned in the hospital.

You guyss. This is the world we are living in now, and I am mad. Please forgive me if this offends anyone, but I’m done with the fear that has so completely influenced our media and paralyzed our medical world that it has caused people like my mom and my friend Alicia’s Mom and others that I know, not to seek medical help when they so desperately need it.

So here we are on my Mom’s 12th day of fever, wondering if it’s worth the risk to take her to the hospital?? Think about that. What have we become when we can no longer trust the very people who are supposed to HELP us?? I’m sorry, I believe there are still good doctors and nurses, in fact I know a few of them.

But there are far too many that are only concerned about their checks and incentives from the pharma companies. Far too many are buying whatever the CDC is selling and they are selling fear.

I don’t know about you, but I’m done with it. I’m done skirting around the real issues and shutting up because of fear. I’m done being scared of what could happen if we take my mom to the hospital. I’m done pretending I’m not mad about what’s happening in Afghanistan.

I’m done not saying how I really feel.

I’m done and I’m mad.

Thank you for letting me rant today.

Edited to add: If you are a praying person, pray for my family. My brother and his wife are in the hospital with their baby who was born with a terminal condition and due to this sickness, none of us have been able to go see them.
My mom has agreed to let a nurse come out today and check on her. Her 02 levels remain good, but we just need this fever to break so she can get better and go see her new grandson in the hospital.

Thank you all for your love and prayers!

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